Main Bathroom

Rooms F12, F18, F19 on the North Apartment range is to provide ancillary space for the Best Bed-chamber F1.

A Brief History

1635 Part of high status North Apartment. Early chimneypiece with Thorpe masons’ mark. Part of the 17C house forming a high status lodgings with important chimneypiece by Thorpe masons in F12

1740s modernised with cornices and Venetian window on east wall of F19 (assumed Flitcroft) late 18C chimneypiece in F18a 

early 19C extension of service wing blocks the Venetian Window in F19

1909   introduction of chimneypiece in F19 by Dunn and Watson 1980 Proposals to subdivide rooms to contain en-suite facilities (not implemented)

1942 = Bedroom No.3

What's to do

Adapt as bathroom: subdivision to provide shower and wc with plain plaster walls and cornice extending existing arrangement. Doors to shower and wc and extended lobby F12/d4¬d6 to match 6 panel door F12/d1. Removal of door F12/d2 (mirrored**) New jib door F12/d3 to north of fireplace within existing (concealed) opening to link to existing cupboard to provide access to Best Bed-chamber F1. Introduction of sanitary fittings


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