The original Kitchen complex of the 1630s house extended across the whole of the Basement of the North Wing (see below Basement plans). The Kitchen itself comprised both rooms B19a and B18. It was, however, subdivided by 1819.

The Justice Room G18 was created in the upper half of the Kitchen B18 about the beginning of the 19th C, probably for the 2nd Lord Lilford. The Justice Room was approached from the half landing of the Kitchen Star G16 providing access from both the North Entrance B17 and the Corridor G11. The level of its floor precluded access beneath the new mezzanine room and a kitchen passage (called the Servant’s Entrance) was constructed in the external kitchen area across the north elevation to link the Kitchen B19a via a new door inserted into the base of a kitchen window  to a porch outside the North Entrance B17.

The reconstruction of the Justice Room with a floor set at a higher level together with the excavation of the floor of the void beneath it, the south half of the original Kitchen in the 1909 alterations allowed access to the kitchen once again within the house. This left the kitchen area passage redundant and it was removed except for the east end which formed a porch B19b outside the kitchen door.

For specific alterations to a room, please review room details to be found on the Basement page.


the plans before restoration
click on the plans to enlarge